
Tuesday, June 18, 2013

How Secure Your Password Is ? The most common passwords used online in the last yearrevealed.

The Worst Passwords of 2012, including their current ranking and any changes from the 2011 list: 1. password (Unchanged) 2, 123456 (Unchanged) 3. 12345678 (Unchanged) 4. abc123 (Up 1) 5. qwerty (Down 1) 6. monkey (Unchanged) 7. letmein (Up 1) 8. dragon (Up 2) 9. 111111 (Up 3) 10. baseball (Up 1) 11. iloveyou (Up 2) 12. trustno1 (Down 3) 13. 1234567 (Down 6) 14. sunshine (Up 1) 15. master (Down 1) 16. 123123 (Up 4) 17. welcome (New) 18. shadow (Up 1) 19. ashley (Down 3) 20. football (Up 5) 21. jesus (New) 22. michael (Up 2) 23. ninja (New) 24. mustang (New) 25. password1 (New) Source: Splashdata

Monday, June 17, 2013